
We have automated many manual dealer tasks. Here is a list of some of our Automations: Back-office system updates, exception reports, imports from CANNEX and B2B, customized CRM and commission processing and more. We continue to look for ways to automate our platform to facilitate an ever-changing industry.
Some examples of our automated solutions are:
  • E-statement delivery that sends out notifications to multiple clients’ emails in one click.
  • Automated detection of out-of-date Fund Fact.
  • Auto delivery of Fund Facts with tracking for compliance.
  • Fund Fact automated delivery system offering advisors options to send notifications about new Fund Facts to clients’ emails, or email clients with PDF version of newest Fund Fact.
  • Automated pre-filled forms that help speed up advisors’ process on filling out application for their clients.
  • Automated delivery of notifications in compliance module.
  • Automated investment’s re-balancing options for Model Portfolio, in VieFUND’s model portfolio platform, allows the dealer to have pre-set fund portfolios for clients to invest. Also, with one button, rebalancing can be done for the client or every client in the dealer.
  • Automated expense schedule to help head offices ease through commission payrolls.
  • Automated generation of NFU messages per user’s settings.
  • Bulk conversion trades are pre-generated.
  • VieFUND works with all our Dealers and channel partners to continue use FINTEC to automate all the operational business processes.

And many more…

As a result of our completely automated system, our users accomplish more work in less time.

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