Trend Analysis

VieFUND’s powerful trend analysis module offers various reports regarding potential problematic activities such as excessive trading and commission, DSC issue, different load switch, etc. It also provides dealers with easy-on-the-eyes report tables that illustrate the commission trend, quarterly AUA, based on user’s desired reporting period.

In addition to the above-mentioned modules, our Trend Analysis module includes other sub-sections but are not limited to:

  • Short-Term trades
  • Redemption with fees
  • Two-sided trades with fee/commission
  • Different load switch
  • Sales commission issues
  • Quarterly AUA
  • Address change tracking
  • Ability to report on the changes in a monthly review for evidence in future
  • FINTRAC tracking: FINTRAC reporting module helps dealers with the process of scanning and reporting various types of documents which include: Terrorism Financing, UN Act Sanction, Special Economic Measures, etc.

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